In honour of the very much current exam season (sigh), the Jugular family wishes to spare you the accompanying package deal of disheartening, self-doubting, staring-at-the-ceiling-in-a-self-hating-daze phase by focusing on *surprise surprise* studying! Thank you to everyone for submitting your wonderful questions, and hopefully, this serves as a gentle reminder that patience and kindness to oneself are just as important as to others. <3
The Med Student Wears Nada (Below the Elbow)
““Professional hospital attire” is a tricky zone, leading the naive to the default options you’d find in a Target workwear catalogue. The result? A young adult awkwardly masquerading as a thirty-something from the corporate world.”
Anti-Vaxx Memes: Are We Now Immune?
Should we be doing more to reach the parents that are hesitant to vaccinate – besides, you know, enjoying memes at their expense?
Tales of a Third-Year Nothing
by JUMAANA ABDU (edited by ROSEMARY KIRK) Following are some highs and lows from my first few weeks as a third-year medical student. Medicine really does grant us the privilege of a most unique and intimate insight into human pain, crisis and – sometimes – hilarity. All patient ages have
Heart To Heart Takes On: Love!
It seems like love is in the air this season. Unfortunately, some of your lab results seem to be showing raised levels of IgE. But do not despair, for we’ve got some top-notch words that’ll work better than any antihistamine!
Med Fresher Figuring Out How to Slip Her ATAR Into Every Conversation
A cultish obsession as old as time itself piqued the curiosity of the Jugular investigative team and our reporters sampled the experiences of med freshers regarding the stereotypical peacocking exhibited by high achievers of 2018.
Dear Class of 2024
I remember walking around a campus filled with people, yet feeling so alone. I remember sitting in the lecture hall by myself, watching bunches of bright-eyed faces stroll in together, laughing and talking. I remember that hollow feeling when SG would end, and we’d all pack up and leave without wasting a word.
How a Book Made Me Realise Medicine Was For Me
Whenever I find myself feeling down, or stressed out about assignments or exams, I think back to what the stories mean to me, and I feel a calming sense of belonging to this exclusively intimate and almost sacred career.
Measuring Childhood Obesity: Our Uncomfortable Relationship with Weight
With an estimated 27% of children and 63% of adults in Australia classified as being overweight or obese this is an issue that needs to be taken seriously.
When R U OK? Is Not Enough
I hadn’t really thought about it for a while, but every time I hear someone say ‘I’m so depressed’ a little thing tugs at me reminding me it was real. I don’t look like a depressed person, I never did… but I was.