Written by anon. and edited by Yaron Gu June is one of my favourite times of the year in Sydney. The city and its people come alive with flags raised high above heads and colours decorating the corners of bland streets and buildings. Even a small rainbow sticker is exciting,
5 Motivations for Me to Continue Studying Medicine
Embarking on a journey into the field of medicine is already an arduous endeavour in and of itself. However, it seems that the challenges don’t end there. Once you’ve managed to secure your place in the medical field, you find yourself confronted with yet another daunting expedition – medical school.
Why do doctors use so much jargon?
Written by David McKay and edited by Yaron Gu One of the greatest tragedies in medicine, at least in my opinion, is that “hyper-” and “hypo-” sound so similar. It’s humbling to imagine the number of times in my (admittedly limited) medical education where I’ve fumbled an important concept or
What to expect when you are expecting…your holidays!
Here are 9 things you can do to cope with stress Halfway through term and don’t know what you’ve been doing so far? Feeling very exhausted and in need of a break? Does time go fast and slow for you at the same time? Don’t worry, I got your back. Having
10 Romantic Spots to Take Your Med Student Girlfriend
Written by Ara Downey & edited by David McKay Do you want a girlfriend you only have to see once a week, when she emerges from Wally for overpriced Boost juice? Do you wish you had someone to send you texts like “want to know the pathophysiology of septic shock?”
Graduate Capability 2.5: Teamwork
Wondering how to improve your teamwork skills? That Phase 1 Portfolio not doing so hot in the teamwork capability? Consider playing League of Legends, a video game which provides a dynamic, fast-paced environment. You work with a team of 5 people from all across Oceania to achieve the goal of
The Art of Procrastination
Written by Mohamed Budebes & edited by Victoria Sun The feelings emerge again, every course, at the start of Week 4. Initially, I brush them aside, their pulsations so weak in the back of my mind it seems pointless to give them the attention they’re begging for. The day will
Top 5 WORST study spots in UNSW
We’ve all seen lists that try and rank the best study spots at UNSW. It’s a trite cliché at this point; people in Facebook comments talking about their boring and overdone study locations like the main library, the law library, or outdoors if they’re feeling especially daring. Here at The
Upper Campus Food Ranking
Written by Cindy Lac, Edited by Emily Seeto The first week of university has passed for phase one, with first years heading to campus for SGs for the first time and possibly experiencing your first anatomy practical. Maybe you’ve learnt a lot! Maybe not so much. But one thing’s for