By Thy Pham; Edited by Rosie Kirk It’s coming up to med interview season, when med-hopefuls from across the globe hustle to secure a place at UNSW. We’ve put together a foolproof guide to help YOU ace YOUR interviews. The DOs 1. Proclaim to have loved medicine ever since you
A Love Letter to Wallace Wurth
By Thy Pham; Edited by Nipuni Hapangama Dearest Wallace, I miss you so much. I miss how boisterous you were. I miss your sleek, aesthetic, architecturally superior, sparkling grey and silver layout. I miss the ping pong table, the broken ping pong balls, the worn paddles. I miss the close
MEDFAC Bans Use of the Word ‘COVID-19’ in eMed Portfolio
By Thy Pham, Edited by Nipuni Hapangama It’s one hour before eMed portfolio submissions are due, and I’m ready to submit my sophisticated piece of work. I’ve outlined all my grad caps, taking care to use my one P- to portray my gruelling journey towards straight P+’s. I add in
BREAKING NEWS: New University Protection Measures Announced for COVID Re-opening
By Mansimran Loyal, Edited by Nipuni Hapangama How willing are you to get back to ‘normal’ during a pandemic? UNSW recently announced that all campuses could be reopened in the upcoming months if students and staff are willing to abide by new protection measures.In a statement released yesterday, the university