By Jonathan Cheng “Dreams and Disillusionment in Medicine” Writing CompetitionRunner-up Present In an almost autonomic fashion, Stefanos stared down the bottom of his glass pensively before draining its contents. He delicately lay down the glass next to empty bottles of Penfold Grange of various years in the 1950s. The whiteness
Fresher’s Rice Purity Score Drops to Negative After MedCamp
BY J.K Lolling On Monday, a day after MedCamp, a horde of first years were seen filtering into Wallace Wurth with croaky voices that regaled outrageous stories of their shared weekend to anyone that would listen. Sagging with absolute exhaustion, the mere mention of MedCamp caused them to perk up
A Letter to the First Years
By IVAN SHEN To the class of 2025, I write this letter to you to first congratulate all of you for finally fulfilling your dream. Strangely, while getting into medicine can feel somewhat like the finish line, it really is the opposite; it is the start of a journey which
How can we make a difference?
“I like to think a part of me, no matter how small, genuinely wanted to help others. I imagine the same would be true for you. Can there be anything nobler than saving a life?”
Introducing the all-new AirSteths!
written by JESSICA SAWANG The Littmann Cardiology IV Stethoscope not enough of a flex for you? Tired of how AirPods used to be the ultimate symbol of wealth, but now everyone and their mother has one? Annoyed that you can’t Bluetooth connect your AirPods to your steth? Still want that
Keith Haring and Political Activism in Pop Art
“While his story chronicles the tragedy of a disease that plagued the gay community for an entire generation, it is also the colourful celebration of a life lived to the fullest, creating a legacy of hope, pride and brightness even in the darkest of times.”
The Hero’s Burden
“When the world comes crashing down and all hope seems to be lost, we look to these heroes to save us. But being a hero isn’t easy.”
Q&A: From Detroit to the Whitsundays – A rural doctor’s journey to a balanced life
“Sonya smiles as I compliment the view, she tells me she doesn’t often have the time to appreciate it. We tend to forget the wonder of places the more accustomed we grow, and now into her 13th year in the town, thick roots down, she was well and truly accustomed.”
The Not-So-Wonderful World of Medical Eponyms
“Many commentators in recent decades have labelled the use of eponyms impractical, inaccurate and outdated, some even advocating to eliminate eponyms from the medical literature altogether in favour of more standardised terminology.”
Unusually High Spirit Symptoms Plague Med Cohort, Treatment Yet To Be Found
“UNSW’s medical students have returned from the break with uncharacteristically high spirits. MedFac has not yet isolated the causative agent, but they are very anxious to put a stop to it.”