By Ivan Shen; Edited by Kaitlin Zhong As Benjamin Franklin once wrote in a letter, nothing is certain but death and taxes. However, while it seems that it is possible to avoid taxes, we have yet to figure out a way to evade death. The concept of death carries a
Hippocrates – the not-so-perfect Father of Medicine
By Thulashigan Sreeharan, Edited by Nipuni Hapangama On Father’s Day this year, the medical profession looked back at its estranged relationship with long-deceased dad Hippocrates (circa 460-375 B.C.). Little is known about the founding father of medicine, but doctors are convinced he was a good dude. After all, he sowed
Cutting the Line of Communication with Detention Centres
By Eleanor Hall “I have always said that I believe in words and literature. I believe that literature has the potential to make change and challenge structures of power. Literature has the power to give us freedom.” These were the words of Behrouz Boochachi, a refugee who spent six years
Quarantine Binge – Medical Kdrama Review (Part 2): Hospital Playlist
By Ivan Shen; Edited by Kaitlin Zhong Although I really enjoyed Doctor John and hoped its thought-provoking themes indicated a new trend for medical kdramas, I still doubted there would ever be another one that deserved even higher praise. But Hospital Playlist (2020) is not only one of the best
Doctors Anonymous
By Jacky Jiang; Edited by Nipuni Hapangama Having recently fallen into a slump and losing all the motivation I had to study, I’ve had to take a step back and reassess my situation. Why have I been this way and what can I do about it? Of course, a lack
The New Normal: Stay Safe, Stay Hopeful
By Mansimran Loyal; Edited by Rosie Kirk We have been told many times that living alongside COVID-19 is our ‘new normal’. As I write this in a Stage 3 lockdown (again) in Victoria, my expectations of ‘normal’ have drastically changed. I would never have imagined my first year of uni
Quarantine Binge – Medical Kdrama Review (Part 1): Dr John
By Ivan Shen; Edited by Kaitlin Zhong Medical kdramas are notorious for all feeling the same despite their drastically different characters and set-ups. Our main characters are always neurosurgeons and are highly skilled but ethically controversial in their actions. There’s always some romantic development which develops within the surgical theatre
Moving Out
By Brian Feng, Edited by Jennifer Qian This table makes me question why Sutherland campus exists. Like…why? Does it exist as a hole for the damned, for those whose stars did not align? Consistent with the metaphysical claim that good cannot exist without evil, I guess popularity cannot exist without
Conspiracy Theories: A Rising Threat
By Jacky Jiang You may have heard of the idea that the COVID-19 pandemic was orchestrated by Bill Gates – arguably the most influential philanthropist in the world – so that trackable microchips could be injected into everyone via vaccination. Or maybe you’ve heard that the implementation of 5G networks
Police Brutality: A disease infecting not just the US, but Australia too
By Jess Sawang; Edited by Nipuni Hapangama Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this article contains references to deceased persons. The year is 2020. We are in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and have been for a few months now. But there is another pandemic, one