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By: Monika M | Edited By: Zhonghao Z

As we are heading towards winter, I find myself trying to find ways to keep myself entertained, trying to keep the winter blues at bay. I know for sure that I’m not the only one struggling to keep my mood up amidst this seasonal shift. It really does kill your mood when it feels like 10pm, but it’s still 7pm.

Like many others, I turned to film and cinema to find a quick escape (well especially when your friends live timezones away). However, one thing I always struggled with was picking something to watch. This struggle is universal isn’t it? So, here is a short spoiler-free review of three movies I watched very recently so that you can have an easier time deciding what to watch when you are free.

1.     The Idea of You

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Alright, I am ashamed of this one. I can’t even blame them. It was marketed as a fanfiction movie adaptation and that was exactly what it was. However, if you’ve had a boy band era, you might be a bit more appreciative of the not-at-all realistic plot. After all, the best way to get a popstar to fall in love with you is by reading a book at his concert.

2.     The Fall Guy


Movies like this, you should not go in expecting a logical plot. It has that aloof Barbie-esque humour that I found to be very enjoyable. The stunts were very nice to watch and the humour hit quite well. Sadly, the light rail Ryan crashed into did not make the final cut.

Honestly, I think Ryan Gosling should do more comedy movies. This movie is by the same director who directed the movie, “Bullet Train”. So, if you liked that movie, you will surely like this too. Overall, was this movie believable – well not really, but it was certainly very fun to watch!

3.     Challengers

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I have mixed feelings about this one. Firstly, let me talk about the positive points. The movie was shot well and when all the puzzles click, each character’s true nature is unveiled, laid bare before the audience. I found this movie to be more like a sports/drama than a sports/romance. However, at points, plot progression was quite slow and the jumps between the past and the present felt disjointed. I guess they were treating the story like tennis itself, going back and forth from past to present.

These were the new movies I was able to watch as of late, in the times between classes and endless assignments. From my letterboxd to yours, I hope these reviews were able to aid you in your movie watching process, helping you save at least a few minutes the next time you sit down and choose what to watch.

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