Written by Monika M & Edited Ara Downey
Are you a freshie who has no idea what to do for EOC?
Are you a senior who has forgotten what it is like to do an exam after the long summer break?
Fret not! Here is a very serious EOC survival guide to help you get through this exam season!

- Make the most out of your environment.
Campus has been crowded recently, but don’t be afraid to look beyond the medical building and the library for study spots. Having a conducive study spot is very important to get the academic grind started. If you are on lower campus, try to go to the engineering or business buildings to find a nice study spot 🫣. On upper campus, places like the BABS building and Morven Brown building have some great study spots for you to use! If you want to stick to the library, I recommend booking rooms in advance to grab a hold of more vacant spots.
- Max out the resources
Alright seniors, you know the drill. Leave this one for the juniors to read. Dear young ones, please talk to your seniors, form study groups with your peers and milk all the resources out there for you. I am sure you would have heard lots about it from Medsoc but seriously consider them! For beginners, start by completing post-practical modules and weekly formative quizzes put out by MedFac. Not only is it nice to see a not-so-low percentage on your moodle page, it helps you review what you learnt as well. Utilise senior notes, anki stacks and guides as much as possible when studying for exams and making notes. Trust me, it will save you a lot of time.
- Talk to your friends (don’t gatekeep!)
You’ll be surprised how much you learn when you share and learn with others. Reach out to your friends and talk to them! Share resources with each other and help each other out. This can be as simple as forming a small study or discussion group to discuss lecture content, or something bigger like running mini-tutes together.
- Coffee/energy drink investment
This one is for the nocturnal animals or aspiring nocturnal animals out there. Having a cup of coffee or a can of an energy drink to pull a long study session occasionally is alright. I have reached the stage where caffeine does the exact opposite of keeping me awake. Do not be like me. Please consume these in moderation :’)
- Prioritise your content.
Ideally you should aim to know everything, but realistically, knowing everything can be a little hard — especially with the sometimes-overwhelming amount of content there is to cover. So, work smart and be strategic when you’re prioritising. Personally, I like using the learning objectives as a guide to know which parts of a lecture I need to focus more on.
- Small goals to looks forward to (positive affirmations)
Sometimes we just need a little nudge to get through the week. Go make some fun plans, not just study plans. Yochi lovers, there is a good deal going on this march. So, go and check it out (sorry if you are reading this later, I will pray for another good deal to come your way). Having something to look forward to each week motivates you to work a little bit more and fills you with a sense of accomplishment 😊
- Stone a bit (for real)
Rest is very important. Studying is important, but so is a semi-intact sleep schedule. This goes out to all the seniors and juniors alike. During times like this we often forget to give our body and mind the love it deserves for putting up with all this. You are still human, so please be kind to yourself this exam season!