Studies show that many medical students have found family gatherings particularly daunting due to a history of being swarmed by family friends and relatives over the age of 50, all of whom appear to share the same painful idiopathic disease.
One 2nd year student, who asked to remain anonymous as his mother has Facebook, elaborated on this struggle: “I always thought that older people pinching my cheeks was as bad as it gets, but being asked to inspect a strange growth on my uncle’s back in the middle of a family dinner is by far the worst thing that’s ever happened to me. He’s not even my real uncle, I don’t know why I call him that.”
“It’s not that I don’t like them or anything,” the student informed us. “I genuinely can’t help them. Last week in anatomy prac, we were looking at specimens and I said ‘oh that’s a healthy looking lung’. Turns out it was a liver. I can’t even figure out what comes before the letter ‘r’ without saying the whole alphabet.”
This account corroborates with the findings of several recent studies completed on the undeserved-and-frankly-unwise-trust-of-medical-students phenomenon. In general, according to studies, one year of medical school is sufficient to trigger the onslaught of unwarranted medical inquiries, however some students report that all it takes is an acceptance into medical school for the bombardment to begin.
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